
Check Salud

Check Health


Human beings drink approximately 2 liters of water a day; a daily intake which provides our body with a large amount of mineral salts necessary for good health. However, if you suffer from certain diseases such as high blood pressure or renal colic, taking too much or too little mineral salts can be detrimental to your body.

Our water analysis, CHECK HEALTH, determines the physicochemical parameters which help us to know the salt concentration in water.

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What parameters are included in the analysis?


Bicarbonates info

Associated with the production of incrustation on water facilities.

Alkalinity in water is mainly due to the presence of carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides. It is a measure of the acid-neutralizing capacity of water. Acid-neutralizing capacity means the ability to accept acid without a subsequent drop in pH. The more acid that can be added to water before the pH starts to drop, the higher the alkalinity.
A minimum alkalinity of 20 mg/l is recommended since alkalinity concentrations below 20 mg/l often lead to large swings in pH values. High alkalinity levels are not detrimental to health; they may cause problems related to the existence of incrustations in equipments and pipes (see Hardness).
In the case of swimming pools, high alkalinity levels (>125 mg/l CaCO3) may cause turbidity or cloudiness of the pool water, create incrustations on the swimming pool walls and lead to an increase of the pH in water.


Calcium info

Calcium is a cation and is a determinant of water hardness.

Calcium in water comes from natural deposits of limestone, dolomite, gypsum stones and gypsum slate.
Calcium is a determinant of total water hardness. To lower calcium and calcium hardness levels, chemical softening methods can be adopted, such as reverse osmosis, electrodialisis or ion exchange.
Low calcium carbonate levels avoid metal pipe corrosion since calcium carbonate promotes the formation of protective deposits. Some hardened and resistant incrustations are made up of calcium salts which leave behind precipitations on the surfaces of heat transfer such as boilers, pipes and kitchen utensils.
The concentration of calcium in natural mineral water should not be higher than 150 mg/l.


Chlorides info

Chlorides reveal the presence of salts in water.

Chlorides in water are broadly related to saltwater intrusion problems, especially in most coastal areas. We get most of our supplies of chloride from the food we eat, mainly in the form of sodium chloride (salt); whereas chloride intake in drinking water tends to be less.
High chloride levels (> 250 mg/l) may impart a salty taste to water. Chloride concentration can lead to corrosion hazards.
Regulations recommend a maximum chloride concentration of 250 mg/l in drinking water.


Hardness info

Water hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved minerals.

Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, both calcium and magnesium. Hard water can lead to taste problems and higher consumption of soap to produce lather.
Water hardness should be a concern since hardness greater than 20º F (200 mg/l CaCO3) may cause incrustations in water heaters, boilers, washing machines, irons, etc.
Water hardness lower than 10º F (100 mg/l CaCO3) may a have a low pH buffering capacity and, therefore, cause corrosion in pipes and materials in contact with water.


Magnesium info

Magnesium is primarily responsible for water hardness.

Magnesium, (magnesium carbonate, magnesium sulphate), is an indispensable element abundant in the Earth’s crust. Together with calcium, magnesium is the most common source of water hardness. The degree of hardness becomes greater as the magnesium content increases.
There are no legal limits for magnesium in drinking water. However, high levels of magnesium (> 125 mg/L) may have laxative effects.
A level of 50 mg/L is recommended as the upper limit for mineral fresh water.


Potassium info

Potassium is present in water.

Potassium occurs widely in nature and plays a key role in the human body. Average potassium concentrations in drinking water have beneficial health effects. Potassium may be used in drinking-water treatment plants (potassium permanganate, potassium chloride, etc.)
However, adverse effects may occur in certain segments of the population when consuming drinking water with high levels of potassium; including those who suffer from renal insufficiency, hypertension, diabetes, etc.
The WHO does not give specific guidelines on potassium levels since average potassium concentrations in water do not pose a risk to health.


Total Dissolved Solids info

(TDS) refers to a measure of the residual minerals dissolved in water.

Total dissolved solids measures all the dissolved substances which remain after evaporation or filtration of a water sample. These are primarily inorganic mineral salts and organic matter which originate in natural sources.
The WHO does not give specific guidelines on Total Dissolved Solid levels. However, elevated total dissolved solids can result in water having a bitter or salty taste and can cause incrustations in pipes, water heaters, boilers and electrical appliances.
Natural water can be classified by the amount of TDS per liter:
- Very low mineral content: up to 50 mg/l
- Low mineral content: up to 500 mg/l
- Medium mineral content: from 500 mg/l to 1500 mg/l
- High mineral content: more than 1500 mg/l


Sodium info

Sodium is largely related to water salinity.

Sodium occurs naturally and it related to other salts such as chlorides, sulphates, fluorides, etc. Water softeners (descalers) may increase sodium content of the water for human consumption.
Elevated levels of sodium may result in salty water taste and may cause high blood pressure.
The maximum acceptable level of sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/l.
Natural water can be classified by the amount of sodium per liter:
- Sodium water: more than 200 mg/l

- Water for children-food preparation and low-sodium diet: up to 20 mg/l

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Alkalinity measures the presence of salts usually responsible for incrustations (carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides)

Metal used as a coagulant in some water treatment plants

Ammonium is a key indicator of water contamination.

A metalloid which is a natural component of the Earth’s crust.

Aerobic bacteria reveal the presence of microorganisms in water.

El Boro es un micronutriente necesario para las plantas, pero en elevadas concentraciones puede ser perjudicial

Mineral procedente principalmente de la disolución de rocas calcáreas o carbonatadas

El cloro es el desinfectante más utilizado para el tratamiento del agua, especialmente para potabilizar el agua o en agua de piscinas

Los cloruros son indicadores de la salinidad del agua

Bacterias indicadoras de contaminación fecal

Metal relacionado con materiales de construcción (tuberías, etc.)

Microorganismos relacionados con contaminación microbiológica del agua

Medida del color del agua

Mide el grado de salinidad del agua

Metal que puede estar asociado a instalaciones metálicas (tuberías, depósitos, etc.)

La DBO5 mide la contaminación orgánica biodegradable

La Demanda Química de Oxígeno (DQO) mide la contaminación orgánica de un agua

Coliforme indicador de contaminación fecal

Microorganismos relacionados con contaminación microbiológica del agua

Metal que puede estar asociado a minerales o actividades industriales

Elemento necesario pero que en concentraciones elevadas puede producir problemas de salud

Los fosfatos son elementos esenciales en la naturaleza

Plaguicida de uso común utilizado para eliminar hierbas (herbicida)

Hidrocarburos o Aceites minerales que pueden estar presentes en el agua

Metal que puede estar asociado a instalaciones metálicas (tuberías, depósitos, etc.)

El indice de Langelier informa sobre el carácter incrustante o agresivo de un agua

La legionella es una bacteria que puede provocar legionelosis, que es una enfermedad pulmonar producida al respirar aire con aerosoles que contienen la bacteria

Elemento necesario para la vida, pero que en concentraciones elevadas puede ser perjudicial

Toxic metal whose presence can be naturally or by human activity

Nickel is largely related to metal fittings and pipes

High nitrate concentrations are associated with agricultural and livestock activities

Nitrites can be a significant indicator to determine contamination

Organoleptic check of odor in water

Oxidizability measures oxidizable organic matter present in water

pH is a measure of how acidic, basic or neutral water is

Pesticides are substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest

Lead is largely related to old plumbing installation systems

The redox potential (ORP) is a measure of water reduction and oxidation

Psedomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium found in soil and water

Organoleptic analysis of taste in drinking water

Determination of dissolved silica in water

Parameter measuring the suspended solids in the water

Sulphates are dissolved salts

Turbidity is a measure of the amount of suspended particles in water


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