
Check Agro

Check Agro


Plants (garden plants, vegetable plants, trees, etc.) are sensitive to water quality, especially when it comes to water salinity since it can have a negative effect on plant growth and may damage soil structure, which, in turn, can adversely affect future plantations.

Our water analysis, CHECK AGRO, determines physicochemical parameters which help us to know about the quality of water we use for watering our gardens, orchards or plantations.

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What parameters are included in the analysis?


Bicarbonates info

Associated with the production of incrustation on water facilities.

Alkalinity in water is mainly due to the presence of carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides. It is a measure of the acid-neutralizing capacity of water. Acid-neutralizing capacity means the ability to accept acid without a subsequent drop in pH. The more acid that can be added to water before the pH starts to drop, the higher the alkalinity.
A minimum alkalinity of 20 mg/l is recommended since alkalinity concentrations below 20 mg/l often lead to large swings in pH values. High alkalinity levels are not detrimental to health; they may cause problems related to the existence of incrustations in equipments and pipes (see Hardness).
In the case of swimming pools, high alkalinity levels (>125 mg/l CaCO3) may cause turbidity or cloudiness of the pool water, create incrustations on the swimming pool walls and lead to an increase of the pH in water.


Calcium info

Calcium is a cation and is a determinant of water hardness.

Calcium in water comes from natural deposits of limestone, dolomite, gypsum stones and gypsum slate.
Calcium is a determinant of total water hardness. To lower calcium and calcium hardness levels, chemical softening methods can be adopted, such as reverse osmosis, electrodialisis or ion exchange.
Low calcium carbonate levels avoid metal pipe corrosion since calcium carbonate promotes the formation of protective deposits. Some hardened and resistant incrustations are made up of calcium salts which leave behind precipitations on the surfaces of heat transfer such as boilers, pipes and kitchen utensils.
The concentration of calcium in natural mineral water should not be higher than 150 mg/l.


Chlorides info

Chlorides reveal the presence of salts in water.

Chlorides in water are broadly related to saltwater intrusion problems, especially in most coastal areas. We get most of our supplies of chloride from the food we eat, mainly in the form of sodium chloride (salt); whereas chloride intake in drinking water tends to be less.
High chloride levels (> 250 mg/l) may impart a salty taste to water. Chloride concentration can lead to corrosion hazards.
Regulations recommend a maximum chloride concentration of 250 mg/l in drinking water.


Hardness info

Water hardness is caused by the presence of dissolved minerals.

Hard water is high in dissolved minerals, both calcium and magnesium. Hard water can lead to taste problems and higher consumption of soap to produce lather.
Water hardness should be a concern since hardness greater than 20º F (200 mg/l CaCO3) may cause incrustations in water heaters, boilers, washing machines, irons, etc.
Water hardness lower than 10º F (100 mg/l CaCO3) may a have a low pH buffering capacity and, therefore, cause corrosion in pipes and materials in contact with water.


Nitrates info

Associated with agricultural and livestock activities.

Nitrate compounds are found naturally on earth. Most crop plants require large quantities of nitrates to sustain high yields. The source of excess nitrates in water can usually be traced to agricultural practices, livestock activities and dumping sewage water. High nitrate levels in water can cause methemoglobinemia or blue baby syndrome, a condition found especially in infants under six months.
The maximum allowable limit for nitrate concentration in drinking water is 50 mg/l.


Conductivity at 20ºC info

Conductivity is used to measure water salinity.

Conductivity indicates the level of dissolved salts by measuring the ability of a solution to carry an electric current, i.e. the larger the number of dissolved salts (chloride, sulphate, bicarbonate, etc), the more conductive water is; therefore, by measuring the conductivity of water, we obtain the degree of water salinity.
Variation in conductivity can result through changes in geology of an area. The natural conductivity of water varies from very low values (50 uS/cm), especially in granite (non- calcareous) areas (North of Spain) to very high values (1000 uS/cm), especially in calcareous areas (East of Spain).
The maximum conductivity level in drinking water recommended is 2000 uS/cm.


Magnesium info

Magnesium is primarily responsible for water hardness.

Magnesium, (magnesium carbonate, magnesium sulphate), is an indispensable element abundant in the Earth’s crust. Together with calcium, magnesium is the most common source of water hardness. The degree of hardness becomes greater as the magnesium content increases.
There are no legal limits for magnesium in drinking water. However, high levels of magnesium (> 125 mg/L) may have laxative effects.
A level of 50 mg/L is recommended as the upper limit for mineral fresh water.


pH info

pH is a measure of how acidic, basic or neutral water is.

pH is a measurement of the acidity or basic quality of water. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14; a pH of 7 is neutral, a pH less than 7 is acidic and a pH greater than 7 is basic. The pH of natural water hovers between 6.5 and 8.5.
Although pH is not a primary concern for consumers, it is an important water quality parameter. It is associated with the effectiveness of disinfection processes and it can serve as an indicator that contamination may have occurred or that water treatment equipments have been damaged.
pH values in drinking water range from 6.5 to 9.5. The recommended range for pH in swimming-pool water is 7.5; if pH is below 6.0 or above 9.0, it will negatively affect swimmer comfort and pH level should be restored to the optimum range.


Sodium info

Sodium is largely related to water salinity.

Sodium occurs naturally and it related to other salts such as chlorides, sulphates, fluorides, etc. Water softeners (descalers) may increase sodium content of the water for human consumption.
Elevated levels of sodium may result in salty water taste and may cause high blood pressure.
The maximum acceptable level of sodium in drinking water is 200 mg/l.
Natural water can be classified by the amount of sodium per liter:
- Sodium water: more than 200 mg/l

- Water for children-food preparation and low-sodium diet: up to 20 mg/l


Sulphates info

Sulphates are dissolved salts.

Sulphates occur naturally in soils (gypsum, pyrite, etc.) The presence of sulphates in drinking water may leave a strong taste. Water containing high levels of sulphate may have a laxative effects.
The maximum acceptable level of sulphate in drinking water is 250 mg/l.

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Alkalinity measures the presence of salts usually responsible for incrustations (carbonates, bicarbonates and hydroxides)

Metal used as a coagulant in some water treatment plants

Ammonium is a key indicator of water contamination.

A metalloid which is a natural component of the Earth’s crust.

Aerobic bacteria reveal the presence of microorganisms in water.

Boron is a micronutrient necessary for the plants, but in high concentrations could be toxic.

Mineral present in water mainly due to the dissolution of limestone or carbonated

Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant for water treatment, especially for drinking water or swimming pool water

Clostridium perfringens indexes the presence of fecal contamination

Metal used in building construction materials (pipes, etc.)

Total coliforms are the standard by which microbiological contamination is measured

Measurement of water color

Chromium metal is largely related to metal fittings such as pipes

BOD5 measures the biodegradable organic pollution

Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) measures the organic pollution of water

E..Coli is a type of fecal coliform bacteria

Microorganisms related to microbiological contamination of water

Metal that can be associated with minerals or industrial activities

Water fluoridation is considered as necessary. However, high concentrations of fluoride in water can be detrimental to health

Phosphates are essential elements in nature

Pesticide commonly used to kill weeds (herbicide)

Hydrocarbons or mineral oils may be present in the water

Iron is largely related to metal fittings such as pipes

Langelier index reports about fouling or aggressive properties of water

Legionella is a bacteria that may be present in water and can cause legionellosis, a lung disease caused by breathing air with water sprays

Manganese is a necessary element for life, but in high concentrations can be toxic

Toxic metal whose presence can be naturally or by human activity

Nickel is largely related to metal fittings and pipes

Nitrites can be a significant indicator to determine contamination

Organoleptic check of odor in water

Oxidizability measures oxidizable organic matter present in water

Pesticides are substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest

Lead is largely related to old plumbing installation systems

Potassium is present in water

The redox potential (ORP) is a measure of water reduction and oxidation

Psedomonas aeruginosa is a common bacterium found in soil and water

Total dissolved solids (TDS) refers to a measure of the residual minerals dissolved in water

Organoleptic analysis of taste in drinking water

Determination of dissolved silica in water

Parameter measuring the suspended solids in the water

Turbidity is a measure of the amount of suspended particles in water.


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